Where Stories Bloom.

We believe in the power of stories to spark curiosity, drive conversations, and inspire change. Our vision is to be the leading voice in documenting the transformative impacts of technology, offering a lens through which audiences can better understand and engage with the rapidly evolving world around them.


The podcast that delves deep into the myriad ways technology is reshaping our world. Each week, we explore the intersection of innovation with our daily lives, cultural landscapes, and the natural environment. Join us as we engage with thought leaders and visionaries from the realms of science, culture, and sustainability to uncover the profound effects of technological advancements on our planet and societies.


Set in Switzerland, the heart and leader of global technological innovation, this documentary is a beautifully chaotic tale of ambition and resilience. It follows the stories of 3 women as they struggle to carve their own path, while finding themselves drawn into the charming and somewhat exclusive world of tech.

WeBloom Productions invites you to join us on a journey of discovery and reflection. Our stories not only inform but also inspire action, encouraging audiences to envision and contribute to a future where technology enhances rather than diminishes the human experience and the natural world.